Hi, my name is Kadey, and I’m a Food Network addict.

I loooove food. All food. I love food so much that I can’t even pick a favorite food. My inclination is to say bacon (of course) but then I worry I would hurt garlic or tomato or pizza’s feelings and I just can’t let that happen. The weirder the food, the better. And I love them all equally. Except ice cream, whom I had quite the love affair with in my younger years, before that brat started wreaking havoc on my stomach. Anyway…

I also love unicorns. Mostly because they’re sparkly but also because they’re magical. And I would hope they have the same taste in food as I do—which is, again, EVERYTHING.

Due to this aforementioned love of food, I cook all the time. In my free time, if I’m not watching the Food Network or scouring food blogs and Pinterest for recipes, I’m most likely cooking. I enjoy combining new flavors, textures, and ingredients. I rarely measure, unless I’m baking. Luckily, my family and friends are always very willing to be taste testers, and I have a boyfriend who is supremely awesome at cooking which means I’m always learning something new.

I’ve started taking photos of my food and have been posting them on social media. I see a lot of comments like, “You should own a restaurant,” or, “You should go on a cooking show!” As much respect as I have for people who do that— thanks but no thanks. To me, cooking is such a relaxing, creative experience.  I know many people dread coming home after a long work day to cook dinner, but I look forward to it. To me, there is nothing quite as soothing as chopping an onion and hearing it sizzle as it hits the hot skillet. I would not do well in a situation where orders were being incessantly barked across a sweaty kitchen—even if I was the one doing the barking.

So I’ve started this blog in the hopes of sharing my love of food with you. I will try my best to post somewhat legible recipes and ideas that will (hopefully) inspire you to get in that kitchen (and maybe turn on the Food Network! Haha, they should probably pay me…) I am looking forward to sharing a few more things along the way, as well as making new buddies. If you have any special requests for posts, please let me know!

Let’s go get lunch with some unicorns, already. xoxo


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